Feel Good Stories with Patrina Loft

Feel Good Story: Patrina Loft

The best sip and paint stories aren’t about artworks, they are about YOU. We’ve reached out to some incredible people who we’ve met in our studios across the country.

Olivia from Pinot & Picasso chatted with Patrina Loft from Bendigo, Australia about her first experience at Pinot & Picasso, the joy of creating on her own, and her all-time favourite session.

1. When was your first Pinot & Picasso session, and how did you hear about Pinot & Picasso?

“My first Pinot and Picasso session was King Protea. My parents were coming to Bendigo to visit me and I wanted to find an indoor activity, just in case the weather was bad. 

I had seen Pinot and Picasso come up in my Facebook feed. My dad used to do a lot of paint-by-numbers and he loves gardening, especially Australian natives. My Mum had just turned 85 and I wanted a nice different activity for them both to do that I know they’d never done before. 

My mum has framed her King Protea painting and it hangs in the bedroom. Every time she looks at it, she’s pleased she’s still done a new thing, even at 85!”

2. You’ve done over 20 sessions now. What keeps you coming back to the studio again and again?

“After King Protea, there was something about having created a piece from scratch by my own effort that was much more rewarding than doing a paint-by-numbers. I had often started a paint-by-numbers kit but never finished them as it just felt wrong. I had the classic  “there isn’t an artistic bone in my body” feeling. 

The artist host at Pinot & Picasso was a lovely lady Pip, who had a wonderful way of teaching that was just entertaining and encouraging. The feeling of creating something myself on a blank canvas by my own effort was so rewarding. While I’m my own worst critic, I could see in the colours and textures that, maybe, I did have an artistic side that needed to come out.”

Patrina's wall of artworks.

3. Have you done many sessions on your own? Who have you come to a session with?

I go to the sessions on my own, as this is my hobby! My spouse has his hobbies and we do have shared interests, but painting is my hobby. I’m now up to 25 pieces in total – 24 of them I went on my own!

4. What would you say to someone who was thinking about going to a Pinot & Picasso session, but haven’t yet?

Give it a go!  My work colleagues are aware that I do like painting and enjoy the Pinot and Picasso experience. 

I’d done a Paint your Pet session and one of my colleagues liked the result. She set up a family activity and each family member had a wonderful time painting their pets.

Patrina's stunning Paint Your Pet artwork.

5. Do you feel more confident in your artistic abilities? Did you have an artistic experience before going to a Pinot & Picasso session? 

I’d never had any artistic experience other than paint-by-numbers. I am getting more confident in my abilities and I’ve found that after each session, I’ve improved in some aspects.

Whether it’s blending colours on the canvas, highlights and lowlights, shapes, holding the brushes differently to achieve different brush strokes, or using new media such as modelling paste, I’m enjoying learning new techniques. 

6. Have you made any new friends from attending a Pinot & Picasso session?  

The artists are getting very familiar with me! It’s great to meet people and have a sociable time. It’s a fun way to meet new people all doing the same thing.

7. Is there one particular session you remember fondly? 

Tell me about it! I’ve got a couple of favourites that come to mind.

Boho Elephant and Hold Your Horses were both stand out sessions as they were the first animals I’d ever painted. I wasn’t sure how I’d get the shapes and colours to work but they did!

My favourite session was the Paint it Black-Heavy Metal Nights when we had a live DJ in the studio and the atmosphere was pumping! It was a great mix of live music, a busy studio, and a great time to paint.

What’s your story?

Your creative journey starts with your first brush stroke. Explore your inner artist and paint your own story at Pinot & Picasso.

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